Japanese Martial Arts

The eyes creaked open a little. It was dazzled by the sudden surge of bright gold. A drowsy arm reached for the watch beside the bed. A stream of pain emerges on top of the head all of a sudden. The drowsy arm quickly searches for the source of it. It rubbed the head to soothe and make the pain go away. I blinked and realized that the gaudy glare was from the light that I had not switched off the night before. I tried to remember what was causing this pain…

Then it filled my memory. It was all coming back.

I was really excited that morning. I woke a little bit late and got dressed as fast as I could. My heart was pounding and my mind racing as to today’s plan. I ran all the way to the bus to find that the lecturer is already waiting by the bus. Still puffing I quickly got on it. I knew that I was in for a new experience.


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