The Thought of Eid

One for the ‘Salam Perantauan’

A loud rhythmic snore could be heard in the distance. A few people looked intently on where the sound came from. I had been sitting at that seat beside the window for the best part of four hours, staring out at the darkening blurred images that pass by. Every now and then sparkled in the orange glare of the station lamps. After finally fallen asleep with one side of my face pressed against the cold windowpane, suddenly I woke up with a stutter. The station name mentioned on the loudspeaker rang a bell. I looked up at the piece of paper that I’d scribbled earlier for confirmation. This was the last in a series of train interchange that I had to make before my duly awaited destination could welcome me back. Another hour I thought. I took a seat by the windows again. It was past midnight and it all came rushing into me.

It gushed into me then that the day has arrived. But wait,there’s more