Value of Love

Generations unfold, father to son, mother to daughter. Where one leaves off, the other follows, destined to repeat each other mistakes, each others triumphs. But, how do we see the world if not through their lens? The same fears, the same desires. Do we see them as an example to follow or as a warning of what to avoid? Choosing to live as they have simply because it is all what we know or driven to create our own identity?And what happens if we find them to be a disappointment? Can we replace them? Our beloved mothers and fathers. Will destiny drive us to find our way back? Back to familiar comforts of home?


I sat there, for how long it doesn’t seem to matter. There I was, staring at the blank pages before me. An old laptop where I usually find to be more than a companion. Wondering how to speak these unspoken words, how to express these unwritten thoughts? Continue reading “Value of Love”

Seeker of the Soul

In every journey, the traveler must ask was the right path taken. Was the right turn made. Many roads are long and winding. Some are rough and bumpy filled with obstacles. Yet it is filled with those who have lost their way. Some forge their own course guided by faith, seeking not location but a kindred soul. Others step together finding safety in the arms of another. A few remove themselves from the trail to avoid the path of temptation. But those who watch the track too closely fail to see where it led them. They’re often all too surprised by their destination. So great is the journey for the soul. A seeker’s path to reach the Heavens.

O mankind! What is it that lures you away from your bountiful Sustainer, who has created you, and formed you in accordance with what you art meant to be and shaped your nature in just proportions, having put you together in whatever form He willed?

-The Quran (82:6-8)

So many questions asked. Yet with so many signs already shown, we fail to neither read nor understand it. As its mountains pierce through the clouds, high above the lives of men. And its rivers run and split through the earth, right through men. So does the moon illuminate the night and the sun shine through the day. And its stars like priceless jewels from the far reaches of Kings, guiding us through the nights. Signs of the Creator are all around us. Why do we keep asking for God yet we can’t seem to see the Creator’s signs?

With it so many hearts have closed to the wonders of these signs. Like a bird trapped in a cage, asleep with closed wings. Like pearls hidden deep beneath the black water. Continue reading “Seeker of the Soul”

Who are We?

If we come to sleep,

We are His drowsy ones,

And if we come to wake,

We are in His hands,

If we come to weeping,

We are His cloud full of raindrops,

And if we come to laughing,

We are His lightning in that moment,

If we come to anger and battle,

It is the reflection of His wrath,

And if we come to peace and pardon,

It is the reflection of His love,

Who are we to Him?

So small compared to Him….


The Thought of Eid

One for the ‘Salam Perantauan’

A loud rhythmic snore could be heard in the distance. A few people looked intently on where the sound came from. I had been sitting at that seat beside the window for the best part of four hours, staring out at the darkening blurred images that pass by. Every now and then sparkled in the orange glare of the station lamps. After finally fallen asleep with one side of my face pressed against the cold windowpane, suddenly I woke up with a stutter. The station name mentioned on the loudspeaker rang a bell. I looked up at the piece of paper that I’d scribbled earlier for confirmation. This was the last in a series of train interchange that I had to make before my duly awaited destination could welcome me back. Another hour I thought. I took a seat by the windows again. It was past midnight and it all came rushing into me.

It gushed into me then that the day has arrived. But wait,there’s more

Searching for that Something…

The train leaves in about an hour. It was nearing midnight. But I was not sleepy at all. I wondered if the journey that I’m going to take is worth the while.The heavy heart made me feel a bit reluctant to go, I guess. A journey to the east.

I am in a state of mess. My head is spinning with all the problems I faced. Furthermore, my savings is starting to dry up. I was at the bottom of the life cycle. I was contemplating how life has treated me. I had led an ‘easy’ life up until now. Then, without warning, all of a sudden everything came crushing down on me.

I needed a new hope to cling on to. A new motivation. A new ‘lease of life‘ to say the least. I was drowning and needed air.Enough just to breathe. I wasn’t asking for too much am I? Continue reading “Searching for that Something…”

DREAMS: Reality or Fantasy?

“Yes! yes! Another GOLD medal for Japan!”

Kitajima swam a brilliant race to clinch the gold medal in a world record time! Simply Brilliant!

The end product is all what we get to see on our telly.The sheer joy of winning.The tears of achieving a lifelong dream of winning at the greatest stage the world has to offer.Oh, how it has touched us throughout the world.The thing that really lit up the games were not just about winning.It’s about participating and trying your best to achieve your goals.But do we really know where it all started from?Where did he get the motivation and the courage to achieve such a feat?

Every child wakes up in the morning with a new and different dreams to the one before.Dreams that sometimes will come true and some will just fade away with time.Are dreams just for the mind of kids?Or is supposed to be relished and worked hard towards realizing it? Are dreams relevant in this world today? Continue reading “DREAMS: Reality or Fantasy?”