DREAMS: Reality or Fantasy?

“Yes! yes! Another GOLD medal for Japan!”

Kitajima swam a brilliant race to clinch the gold medal in a world record time! Simply Brilliant!

The end product is all what we get to see on our telly.The sheer joy of winning.The tears of achieving a lifelong dream of winning at the greatest stage the world has to offer.Oh, how it has touched us throughout the world.The thing that really lit up the games were not just about winning.It’s about participating and trying your best to achieve your goals.But do we really know where it all started from?Where did he get the motivation and the courage to achieve such a feat?

Every child wakes up in the morning with a new and different dreams to the one before.Dreams that sometimes will come true and some will just fade away with time.Are dreams just for the mind of kids?Or is supposed to be relished and worked hard towards realizing it? Are dreams relevant in this world today?

These are some athletes whose dreams came through at the recently concluded Olympics..

1) Usain Bolt breaks the 100 meters world record. Bolt already owned the record and
in front of a packed Bird’s Nest stadium he ran 9.69 seconds. He
thumped his chest in triumph over the last few meters before his
‘marksman’ celebration which became one of the lasting images of the

Usain Bolt also broke Michael Johnson’s long standing 200 meters record. Charging towards the finish line, Bolt has his eye on the clock all the way and once again celebrates his triumph in style — this time, after he completed
his run.He went on to break another world record in 4×100 relay with the Jamaican team.Wow he’s hot!

2) Phelps roars in triumph and relief after his American team mate overtook France on the final leg of the 4×100 freestyle relay to keep alive Phelps’s dream of beating Mark Spitz’s record from 1972 of seven golds in a Games – a dream he was to realize.He went on to win 8 gold medals.If he were to be Malaysian,just imagine the rewards he’ll get?hmm..

“I’ve dreamt a lot of things, written down a lot of goals and this was the biggest dream I have ever written down,” he added.

“This is a dream come true. You can imagine anything, to work towards
it, through all the ups and downs, to accomplish everything you ever
dreamed of, it’s fun, it feels pretty good.”

3) Russia’s Yelena Isinbayeva turns the Bird’s Nest into her private theater with a gold medal and world record-breaking pole vault performance that captivated the 91,000 crowd. After she spent most of
the competition lying under a towel, she broke her own world mark with a leap of 5.05 meters.

But not all dreams came true..

1) Millions watched in disbelief as Liu Xiang dejectedly walks away from the track as he realizes he has to
withdraw from the defence of his 110 meters hurdles title because of a leg injury. Liu was the most popular sportsman in China and his grimacing departure clouded the Games for millions of home fans.

2) A Cuban taekwondo exponent kicks the judge after his dream of winning a medal went up in smokes with the judges harsh decisions.(Full marks for the kick.=P) He was later banned for his whole life from entering any competitions in the future.

We all start the same.From a baby with big dreams.It is whether we work hard towards realizing our dreams is what takes us apart.

The difference is that will it make us a name that is to be remembered or will we be just another bubble in the endless sea?Thus, do you dare to fulfill your dream?

Think BIG act small.


Author: Idris Mahzan

Grew up in the UK. Studied in Japan. Malaysian at heart.

7 thoughts on “DREAMS: Reality or Fantasy?”

  1. Dream without hope is hopeless. Hopeless can’t bring strength. Without strength can’t flame your inside burning desire! To Allah we lay our hopes.

  2. dreams are destinations…’live’ the journey, earn ur dreams insyaAllah… lets make sure we’re heading right as some ‘dreams’ are just not worth it man..

  3. apa kejadahnya ..birthday aku ..nk kasi ko hadiah wat pe .. ko la bg aku ..kek gurai ok la ..haha

    anyway thanks for the wish ..
    sweet dream ..hehe

  4. Yeh,
    Selamat Hari Raya!
    All the best!

    Uhm, I know this kinda out of place.. tp takpelah kan…heh.

    Maaf zahir batin ya~


  5. Reply for AsadulQalb,
    Nicely phrased my friend.To Allah we lay our hopes and dreams.Without them we are just another bubble in the sea isnt it?

    Reply for mrdin,
    Every dreams has its own path.As we seek to fulfill our dreams, make sure that we seek for directions from God who knows what best for us.
    Yup,Dreams are there to be earned.Dreams doesnt come true without hard work and determination rite?

    Reply for zwan,
    saje je.nnti bday aku jgn lupe open table utk aku ek?hehe.

    Reply for annkays,
    Thanx for the wish.I’ve recently passed my exams.Syukur Alhamdulillah.
    N Eid Mubarak to you too=).

    Reply for mohai,
    Salam perkenalan.Thanx for dropping by.=).
    I’m still new to this blogging thing.please feel free to drop by again and share ur views and thought on things ye.
    I’ve visited ur blog too.Its really good!

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