DREAMS: Reality or Fantasy?

“Yes! yes! Another GOLD medal for Japan!”

Kitajima swam a brilliant race to clinch the gold medal in a world record time! Simply Brilliant!

The end product is all what we get to see on our telly.The sheer joy of winning.The tears of achieving a lifelong dream of winning at the greatest stage the world has to offer.Oh, how it has touched us throughout the world.The thing that really lit up the games were not just about winning.It’s about participating and trying your best to achieve your goals.But do we really know where it all started from?Where did he get the motivation and the courage to achieve such a feat?

Every child wakes up in the morning with a new and different dreams to the one before.Dreams that sometimes will come true and some will just fade away with time.Are dreams just for the mind of kids?Or is supposed to be relished and worked hard towards realizing it? Are dreams relevant in this world today? Continue reading “DREAMS: Reality or Fantasy?”